Subject Verb Agreement Mistakes

Subject verb agreement is an essential aspect of grammar that can make or break the effectiveness of your writing. This concept refers to the relationship between the subject and the verb in a sentence. The subject is the person, place, or thing that is performing the action, while the verb is the action itself. Subject verb agreement mistakes occur when the verb does not agree with the subject in terms of number or tense. In this article, we will discuss the most common subject verb agreement mistakes and how to avoid them.

1. Singular and plural noun agreement:

One of the most frequent errors in subject verb agreement is when the noun and verb do not match in terms of number. For instance, when a singular noun is used as a subject, it requires a singular verb, and when a plural noun is used, a plural verb is necessary. For example, “The cat chases mice,” not “The cat chase mice.” Similarly, “The dogs bark loudly,” not “The dogs barks loudly.”

2. Collective noun agreement:

Another mistake that occurs frequently is with collective nouns. Collective nouns are singular words that refer to a group of individuals. Examples of collective nouns include group, team, family, committee, and organization. These words require a singular verb when referring to the group as a whole. For instance, “The committee has decided,” not “The committee have decided.”

3. Indefinite pronouns agreement:

When indefinite pronouns, such as anyone, everyone, somebody, or nobody, are used as the subject, they require singular verbs. In contrast, when indefinite pronouns such as both, several, or few are used, they need plural verbs. For example, “Everyone is invited to the party,” not “Everyone are invited to the party.”

4. Relative pronoun agreement:

When using relative pronouns like who, whom, or which, you must ensure that they agree with the subject they are referring to. For instance, “The man who lives next door is a doctor,” not “The man who live next door is a doctor.”

5. Tense agreement:

Tense agreement is another crucial aspect of subject verb agreement. When writing in the present tense, the verb should match the subject. In contrast, when writing in the past tense, the verb form should indicate whether it is in the simple past, present perfect, or past perfect tense. For instance, “She is going to the store,” not “She was going to the store.”

In conclusion, subject verb agreement is crucial to effective writing, and it is essential to avoid common errors. Remember to use the appropriate verb form that matches the subject in terms of number, tense, and pronoun agreement. By paying attention to these essential concepts, your writing will convey the intended meaning without any ambiguity.