Forms of Union Agreements Quizlet

Forms of Union Agreements: Understanding the Different Types

Union agreements are legal documents that govern the terms and conditions of employment between a company and its workers. There are different types of union agreements, each with its own unique features and benefits. In this article, we will discuss the different forms of union agreements and how they can impact your business.

Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA)

The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is the most common form of union agreement. This agreement is negotiated between the union and the company, and it outlines the terms and conditions of employment for the workers. The CBA covers issues such as pay, benefits, working conditions, and job security.

One of the main benefits of a CBA is that it provides job security for workers. It also ensures that wages and benefits are fair and consistent across the board. However, CBAs can also be restrictive, as they limit the company`s ability to make changes to employment terms without first negotiating with the union.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is a less formal agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of employment between the union and the company. MOUs can cover a wide range of issues, such as pay, benefits, and working conditions, but they are not legally binding documents.

One of the benefits of an MOU is that it can be more flexible than a CBA. It allows the company and the union to negotiate employment terms without the same restrictions as a CBA. However, since MOUs are not legally binding, they can be more easily changed or terminated by either party.

No-Strike Agreement

A No-Strike Agreement is an agreement between the union and the company that prohibits the workers from going on strike. In exchange, the company agrees to certain terms and conditions of employment, such as wages and benefits.

One of the benefits of a No-Strike Agreement is that it provides job security for workers, as it reduces the likelihood of a strike. It also provides stability for the company, as it ensures that its operations will not be interrupted by a strike. However, in some cases, a No-Strike Agreement can limit the workers` ability to negotiate for better employment terms.


In conclusion, there are different forms of union agreements, each with its own unique features and benefits. The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is the most common form, but Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and No-Strike Agreement are also used. Understanding these different forms of union agreements can help you negotiate better terms for your business and ensure the job security of your workers.